As much as Facebook’s Marketplace, the network’s Craigslist replica, has grown as an online shop-and-sell community, it still has not met its full potential. To increase the quality of products and services offered through Marketplace, Facebook is now allowing some businesses to sell on the platform in a way that every Facebook advertising agency should take note of.
For instance, eBay’s Daily Deals are now viewable in Marketplace, thanks to a recent collaboration with Facebook. Additionally, the platform now includes job postings. According to Recode, we can expect to see more categories, such as ticket sales and products from retailers’ shopping pages.
Similar to Craigslist, Marketplace has previously only allowed postings from individual users. But Facebook is improving the quality of products the platform offers, focusing on what users gravitate toward. It’s all a part of Facebook’s goal to improve the online community experience.
It’s clear that Facebook wants to open up opportunities with the online selling community for businesses. Back in July, we here at a Facebook advertising company learned that Facebook was testing online ads for Marketplace.
However, one change Facebook doesn’t have planned for Marketplace is managing transactions. Even for professional retailers, transactions will need to take place offline.
What This Means for Businesses
It means some businesses can now list products on Marketplace. And, if all goes well, Marketplace will eventually open up to all businesses, big and small.
Recode specifically mentions auto sales and real estate as popular Marketplace areas. So, Facebook intends to feature car and real estate listings in the near future. If you run a business in either one of these areas, keep a close eye out for Marketplace options available to you.
These Marketplace expansions will allow businesses to reach even more users. A new target audience comprises users who shop directly through Marketplace. The increased exposure opens up new advertising opportunities as well as potential drives to your business page.
What do you foresee for the future of Facebook Marketplace? Let Advertisemint, the #1 Facebook advertising agency, know. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.