In order to track conversions, set up remarketing and create custom conversions, you’ll need to install the Facebook Pixel on the header of your website. If you are using WordPress, here is an overview of how to install the Facebook pixel in under 5 minutes.
Step 1: Generate the Facebook Pixel from Facebook
You will need to have a Facebook ad account created. Visit business manager (, navigate to “Tools” and then “Pixels“.
Click “Create Pixel“, give it a name and then copy the script that appears on the next page.
Step 2: Install the Header & Footer Plugin to your WordPress site.
From your WordPress site, click on “Plugins“, then “Add New” then enter “Header and Footer” into the Plugin search box. Click the “Install” button.
Step 3: Paste the Facebook Pixel into Header & Footer Plugin.
Inside the admin section of WordPress, navigate to “Settings”, then “Header and Footer”. Once inside, make sure the tab “Page Head and Footer” is selected and then find the section titled “Code to be added on HEAD section of every page“. Paste your Facebook pixel into this area and press “Save” at the bottom of the page.
That’s it. You’ve now installed the Facebook pixel onto every page on your WordPress site.