Facebook made three updates to its branded content policies. These updates will do the following:
1. Allow more pages to share branded content
2. Allow users to better differentiate between paid and unpaid posts
3. Allow policy violators to suffer less severe punishments
These policies already took effect, and, as an advertiser, it is your responsibility to adhere to these changes.
Unverified Pages Can Post Branded Content
Gone are the days when only verified profiles and pages can post branded content. Since not all creators and publishers with branded content are verified, Facebook opens branded tools to all pages and profiles. Anyone who wants to post branded content must submit an application to Facebook. As soon the application is approved, a notification of approval will appear on the notifications button, and the branded content tool will appear as a handshake icon in the post composer box.
Of course, anyone who posts branded content must adhere to Facebook’s policies. Access to branded content tools is currently rolling out to iOS and desktop and laptop devices.
New Branded Content Tag Called “Paid”
When a page features branded content, the featured brand will appear alongside the page’s name on the post. For instance, if AdvertiseMint featured content from Adidas, the post will appear as “AdvertiseMint with Adidas.” This tagging feature lets audiences know that the post is promotional content.
To further create a solid line between paid posts and unpaid posts, Facebook is rolling out a new tag for branded content called Paid. Now if AdvertiseMint featured content from Adidas, the word “Paid” will appear under “AdvertiseMint with Adidas.”
Policy and Enforcement Updates
Facebook made two updates to its policy.
1. According to Facebook’s updated Branded Content Policy, videos can now have logos, watermarks, and graphical overlays.
2. Posts by pages and profiles that violate Facebook’s policy will not be removed. Although they will still appear on a publisher’s page, they will not appear on news feed. As soon as the publisher fixes the violation, Facebook will restore the post to news feed.
What do you think of these changes to branded content? Let us know in the comments section below, and share this update to friends.