When it comes to generating revenue through Instagram, research has found that it isn’t brand-or-business-owned posts that roll in the most dough. It’s the posts of influencers that drive engagement.
According to a NewsWhip study conducted in June of this year, the engagement levels of paid posts made by influencers far exceeded those made by a business or brand’s own page.
Examples of Influencer Posts vs. Own Page Posts
The following June 2017 company figures were gathered by NewsWhip and shared by eMarketer:
- Influencer Posts: 241,226 averaged post engagements
- Own Posts: 2,363 averaged post engagements
- Influencer Posts: 27,000 averaged post engagements
- Own Posts: Less than 1,000 averaged post engagements
Urban Decay
- Influencer Posts: 101,408 averaged post engagements
- Own Posts: 66,440 averaged post engagements
Why Are Influencers So Engaging?
According to eMarketer analysts, consumers choose influencers over brands because they are drawn to other consumers (the influencers). Rather than responding to a post obviously geared towards driving sales, consumers feel that they can better relate to an authentic, fellow user, as influencers tend to post about things they really like or enjoy.
An eMarketer graph demonstrates findings from a November 2016 Launchmetrics study for which PR and marketing professionals worldwide were polled. All but four percent deemed influencer marketing as an effective strategy for raising brand or product awareness. Almost 90% agreed that influencers effectively drive sales.
As a Marketer, You Should…
- Work with an influencer to build your business or brand on Instagram.
- Determine who would be a good fit as a successful influencer for your business or brand.
- Proceed cautiously with “brand safety” in mind, as brands have limited control over what the influencer posts.
Do you use an influencer for your brand or business? Tell us about your success or struggles with Instagram influencers in the comments section below.