When it comes to understanding your audience, data is your best friend. Ask any Facebook marketing agency. Because there is no one set of data that is relevant to every individual business, gathering your own data is crucial to developing successful marketing strategies.
Facebook Pixel allows you to use signals that help you get to know your unique audience. Specifically, your audience’s behaviors and preferences. These signals can give you all the data you need to build custom audiences, ensuring that your campaigns are crafted for and distributed to those who are most likely to buy from your business. Why should you use a Facebook pixel? Because of the five benefits.
1. Better Understanding of Your Audience
You can use Facebook Pixel to garner insights for both your current and potential audience. Specifically, you have the benefits of Facebook Analytics to identify browsing and purchase activity.
2. Relevant Engagement
You wouldn’t want to distribute ads for dog toys to cat lovers or vice versa. You want to market items that are relevant to your audience. Facebook Pixel generates signals that can help you retarget buyers with ads of products or services they’ve previously browsed or expressed interest in. You can even market items to a buyer that complement their purchase history. With the ability to build custom audiences and Lookalike Audiences based on pixel information, you can better target high-value customers and subsequently influence purchase decisions.
3. Longer Shopping Journeys
The beauty of the pixel data is that it can also help you identify shoppers who like to take their time browsing through products until they find that one special something that speaks to them. You can use that information to make suggestions to those specific shoppers for other items they may want to explore before making a final decision.
4. Appeal to Quick Shoppers
In contrast, Facebook Pixel can also help you identify quick shoppers. These types of shoppers look for simple elements such as price and reviews to help them quickly make their purchase decisions. Having that data helps you determine what ad formats are best to use for these particular buyers, ad formats such as Collection or Carousel ads.
5. Promotion of In-Store Traffic
You may notice that your audience prefers to shop in store than online. Using your pixel data, you can create ads that promote items sold in your brick-and-mortar store. The ad will include store location, hours, and pricing information for your audience’s convenience.
Yes, having a Facebook pixel is important. If you don’t have one, you’ll miss out on these five benefits.