What is CPC (Link)?
CPC (link), or cost per click to specifically a link, is a popular and frequently used piece of lingo by marketers worldwide. This abbreviation refers to the amount that you ended up spending as an advertiser for every click that a user has engaged with that has directed them off Facebook. This could be directing them to an event page or your landing site; that’s up to your discretion.
Consider using this metric to track your leads via your Facebook pixel and retargeting these audience members.
This number is calculated by taking the amount you initially spent on the ad and dividing it by the number of clicks that lead to links that your post or ad has received. It is a handy tool to calculate to tell whether the investment that you made was worthwhile. It breaks down whether the amount you paid for this ad campaign was actually costly.
CPC (link) differs from CPC because it nuances where you want to see your ROI (return on investment). This is not just clicking on your ad, but it is specifically a click that directs your user to a link.
While we just went over that CPC is the amount that you’ve paid per click, PPC is pay per click. It is frequently touted as a great alternative for businesses with smaller budgets because you are only paying for the results you are getting. There is little room for error here, but there is not enough room for as great of a success as you may get with CPC ad campaigns.
Both of these are a cost-per-result metric like cost per post engagement and CPM that measures cost-efficiency and ad campaign success based off of the objectives you initially set in the ad auction.
John Schnobrich / Unsplash
How Does CPC Work?
You can use CPC as both a measurement tool to perfect your budgeting as well as a jumping off point for content marketing metrics. If your CPC is too low, that means your CTA did not end up generating enough leads and conversions. Especially with CPC (link), if your goal was to get a member of your target audience signed up for your newsletter and they didn’t even click to end up on the landing site, then you ended up spending this money on an ad campaign that did not end up being lucrative for your company or client in the end.