You might be debating whether or not to hire an ad agency, wondering when and why you should contact one. Follow the list below to determine whether you’re ready for a Facebook ad agency.
1. You Don’t Have Enough Time
Managing a business alone requires a significant amount of your day. Reading and replying to emails, forecasting revenue, attending meetings, and taking lengthy calls with clients, can occupy most of your weekly schedule, leaving you with hardly any room to exhale a breath of relief. With a business to run and a personal life to maintain, you are left with no room in your calendar to squeeze in time to create and manage ads.
In this situation, your wisest decision is to hire an advertising agency to create and manage your Facebook ads. Not only will you leave your Facebook ads to the hands of experts, but you will also be acquiring a portion of your time back, which you can spend taking a mental break or relaxing with your loved ones.
2. Your ROI Numbers Are Low
You have Facebook ads running, but your ROIs are low. Where did you go wrong? What strategies do you need to implement? How can you improve your ROIs? An ad agency can help you organize, strategize, and run your campaigns smoothly. If your ROIs are low, an ad agency will be able to tell you why and devise a plan to combat this predicament.
3. Your Targeting Is Weak
Your ads are running, your money is dwindling, and yet you are not reaching the right people. An ad agency can help you target an audience that is likely to help you achieve your objectives. Give them an idea of who you think your audience is, and they will return with a detailed description: gender, age, demographics, interests, lifestyle, etc.
4. You Want to Move Beyond Sponsored Posts
Most businesses begin their ad campaigns with sponsored posts as they are the easiest types of ads to create. However, sponsored posts are the most basic type of Facebook ads. If you want better ads that shine with expertise and brilliance, ads filled with CTA buttons, compelling copy, and eye-catching creative, you should begin creating carousel, canvas, and lead ads through Facebook Power Editor. However, crafting these types of ads requires the experience and time an ad agency has.
Furthermore, sponsored posts only work well if your objective is to increase engagement and not clicks. For example, if you want to obtain Facebook users’ contact information for retargeting, a lead ad would be a better ad to achieve that objective. With sponsored posts, you are mostly paying for people to talk about your business and nothing more.
5. You Want Better Ad Creative
Companies with mediocre ad creative usually receive low relevant scores. After all, an ad that contains high-quality images edited by an expert graphic designer and compelling copy written by a trained copyeditor will attract Facebook users’ attention. Instead of assuming the role of graphic designer and copywriter without the credentials, you should hire an advertising agency with a team of experts who can create effective and stunning ads.
6. You Need Help Analyzing Data
Creating an ad and releasing it into the world does not suffice. You must analyze your data to improve your ads and campaign strategies. For most, analyzing Facebook data may be too mystifying and overwhelming. Thankfully, an ad agency can decode data and reports. Not only can an ad agency translate confounding data into a language you can understand, but it can also give you the strategies to use based on that data.
7. You Need an Expert
Experimenting with Facebook advertising can be costly. You would not know how to target, how to write concise, compelling copy, or how to funnel. Experimentation includes trial and error, the later of which you cannot afford. To save time and money, you need to hire an expert.
8. You’ve Never Done Facebook Advertising
You want to increase revenues or simply break even, but you don’t have the money to fund a TV or radio commercial. You settle for distributing flyers, but that strategy does not deliver the desired results. To reach a wider audience for an affordable price, try Facebook advertising. Contact AdvertiseMint now and expand your business by visiting the Facebook Services and Snapchat Services page. We offer services on not only Facebook advertising but also Instagram advertising and Snapchat advertising.
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