One of the many benefits of Facebook for businesses is the selection of objectives available for you to outline and achieve your advertising goals. If you want people to search for more information about your business, then you should choose “clicks to website” as your Facebook advertising objective. This is a practice well-known by the top Facebook ad agencies.
With this objective, you can direct customers to your website and encourage them to explore your content, familiarize themselves with your brand, and hopefully convert. Clicks-to-website ads typically include the following call-to-actions:
- Book Now
- Contact Us
- Download
- Learn More
- Shop Now
- Sign Up
- Watch More
- Apply Now
Like all other ad types on Facebook, clicks-to-website objective ads are not available for brands with prohibited items to sell on Facebook, so double-check that your ads will qualify. Additionally, clicks-to-website ads, as the name implies, are only useful for businesses that have a site of their own to direct traffic to. In other words, if you’re selling on Facebook Marketplace and not your own online store, these ads won’t be useful to you.
Table of Contents
Which platforms support the clicks-to-website objective?
You can serve all click-to-website ads on Facebook (mobile, desktop, newsfeed, and right column) and Instagram’s platforms. When creating an ad in Ads Manager, you can choose where you want to serve your ads in the “Placements” section.
Which ad formats can I use with the clicks-to-website objective?
An ad with a click-to-website objective is eligible for the video, carousel, photo, canvas, and slideshow format. You can choose your format in the “Format” section when creating the ad.
Facebook ad specs
When creating a clicks-to-website ad, follow these Facebook ad specs.
Facebook Links
Design Recommendations
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Image ratio: 1.9:1
Text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link description: 30 characters
Your image should include minimal text. See how the amount of text in your ad image will impact the reach of your ad.
Instagram Links
Design Recommendations
Image ratio: 1:1
Image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Caption: Text only, 125 characters recommended
Technical Requirements
Image ratio: 1.9:1 to 1:1
Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.9:1 landscape) / 600 x 600 pixels (square)
Caption: Text only, max 2,200 characters
Limited support for landscape format
Maximum resolution: 1936 x 1936 pixels
File type: .jpg or .png
Maximum size: 30MB
Your image may not include more than 20% text. See how much text is on your image.
Facebook Carousel
Design Recommendations
Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Image ratio: 1:1
Text: 90 characters
Headline: 40 characters
Link description: 20 characters
Your image should include minimal text.
Instagram Carousel
Design Recommendations
Image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Caption: Text only, 125 characters recommended
Technical Recommendations
Minimum number of images: 3
Maximum number of images: 5
Image ratio: 1:1
Minimum resolution: 600 x 600 pixels
Maximum resolution: 1936 x 1936 pixels
File type: .jpg or .png
Maximum size: 30MB per image
Your image should include minimal text. See how the amount of text in your ad image will impact the reach of your ad.
Caption: Text only, max 2,200 characters
Facebook Canvas
Design Requirements
Image Ratio: 1.9:1
Image Size: 1,200 x 628 pixels recommended
Your image may not include more than 20% text. See how much text is on your image.
Text: 90 characters recommended
Headline: 45 characters recommended
Note that the feed unit may have either an image or video.