Effective ad copy captures the problems of your customers and offers solutions to those problems. To do so, you must ask eight important questions about the before and the after of your customers' experiences with your product or service using the eight-question grid. In the eight-question grid, … [Read more...]
3 Questions to Ask When Choosing Colors for Your Logo
Crafting a logo to represent your business takes a lot of consideration, especially when it comes to color choice. Colors have a psychological influence, so it's important to choose ones that accurately convey the purpose of your business, as well as elicit the emotions you want your customers to … [Read more...]
8 Ways You Can Use Customer Reviews in Everyday Marketing
The best way to build your credibility as a business (in addition to providing exceptional products and services, of course) is to build a positive reputation through your dealings with customers. But other than word of mouth, how do you share all the great things existing customers are saying about … [Read more...]
6 eMarketer Facts to Know About Users’ Time Spent with Media
It's no secret: as modern consumers, we spend an excessive amount of time with media. However, as eMarketer discovered, how we spend our time with media may not be as black and white as we may think. Here are six facts eMarketer discovered about time US adult users spend with media. 1. US Adult … [Read more...]
How FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal Will Negatively Affect Your Business
On Thursday, December 15, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), repealed its net neutrality regulations, which prevented Internet service and wireless providers, such as Comcast, and AT&T, respectively, from discriminating against online content. When the rules were intact, companies … [Read more...]
Why Trademarking Is the Best Thing to Do for Your Business
Your business has intellectual property that it uses. Your unique assets may include logos, designs, or phrases. In the early stages of running your business, you will use your assets with your offerings to build your brand and establish awareness with consumers. However, if you use your … [Read more...]
Why You Should Offer Free Shipping This Holiday Season
Speedy delivery takes a back seat to free shipping when it comes to online shopping, a recent study by eMiles discovered. At a whopping 63 percent, free shipping is a significant factor in online shopping decisions made by online shoppers in the US. In contrast, only 23 percent responded … [Read more...]
Sex Does Not Sell, Researchers Discover
Two scantily clad women promote Carl’s Jr.’s burgersContrary to popular belief, sex does not sell. Nonetheless, advertisers relentlessly thrust highly sexualized ads under people’s noses, eager to trade titillating images for sales. Women baring oiled legs and cleavages, women posing provocatively, … [Read more...]
Social Media Advertising: The Number One Reason Users Visit Brand Sites
A recent online survey of US shoppers found that social media advertising is the number one reason users visit brand websites. The survey conducted by Astound Commerce, which eMarketer covers in an article, focused on online shoppers who had visited a brand manufacturer website in June 2017. … [Read more...]
How to Successfully Market to Millennials
Many marketers, especially those representing restaurants, retail stores, and hotels, scramble to attract the Instagram obsessed, avocado toast loving millennials aged 18 to 34 whose spending habits marketers depend on. Many of those marketers turn to social media to catch millennials’ attention, a … [Read more...]